The Season Start Dates are as follows:
Seniors – 2000 (13yr) and older – April 16th, Tuesday and Thursday 6-8pm, Saturday 10 am – noon.
Juniors – 2001 (12yr) and younger – April 15th – Monday & Wednesday 6-8pm, Saturday noon – 2 pm.
The membership fees will depend on a) the number of children you are signing up and b) their age.
The Prince George Track and Field Club fee is: $125 for the first child and $100 for any other children in the family.
The membership form is available from this page below. Please print off and bring to the first practise for sign up.
The BC Athletics fee depends on the age of the child as outlined below.
Track Rascals fee is $15, JD fee is $60, Midget (14 yrs.) is $60, Midget (15 yrs.) is $67.20 and the youth and older is $89.60.
If you have already paid the BCA fee so that your son/daughter can do the winter training at the sports centre you do not have to pay the BCA fee again; just the PG Track fee.