Expectations of Parents & Athletes
We welcome ALL interested athletes of any age or ability. We do have some expectations of athletes and parents as noted below:
Track & Field Is Fun Yet Competitive.
If your child joins our club and finds that he or she does not like the sport, please do not force them to continue. Contact us and, in most cases, a full or partial refund can be made. It is our opinion that organized sport should be enjoyable for the child.
There Are Rules To Follow.
Help us to teach your child that each sport is governed by a set of rules, and that every participant must follow those rules.
First Place Isn't The End-Goal
We strive to teach the athlete that coming in near the top of an event is not the only objective in the sport. Honest effort and personal improvement are worth far more than winning a race. Please help us to guide your child so that he or she will learn to accept second or third place, not as a defeat, but as a personal victory.
Cheer For Everyone
Remember - all children learn best by example. Applaud good performances by others and remember to applaud the personal accomplishment of your children.
Be Respectful of Decisions
Do not publicly question the judgment of a coach or an official. Remember, they are most likely volunteers and are there for the good of your child and the love of this sport.
We're In This Together
While each of our athletes will compete individually, we are also a Team, and we ask that every parent and athlete support every other parent and athlete on our team.
Sportsmanship Is Key
We will not tolerate unsportsmanlike behavior by parents or athletes at any time. Profanity will not be permitted at practices or competitions. Violators will be sent home immediately.
Dress Appropriately
Please be sure your child has adequate clothing for training sessions. Jackets and pants can be removed if it is warm enough, but it is difficult to put them on if they are not at the track when it cools off!