I have attached the information for the sub zero meet. The infield has just cleared of snow and is not open yet so we are limiting the activity on it. Therefore we are not including the shot put which would likely damage the grass quite a bit at this point. Hopefully the 11 am start time works better for out of town teams. If nothing it should allow the temperature to rise some before we get started.
We are doing pre-registrations and using photo-timing and meet manager software to run the meet. That way we can produce results. It also means that entries must be in by the deadline so that the meet can be setup (seeded etc) on the computer in advance of the meet. If you really have troubles, or you are not attached to a club, just email me your entries. This will be a warm-up for the Spruce Capital meet in which you will use the team manager software to do your entries. Pg track athletes will register at the track practises next week.
Due to the numerous event changes there are many variations on the short and mid-distance races. For example, the 400m is now 200m, 300m and 400m depending on the age of the runner.
If you have any questions feel free to send an email.